Elodie's Craft Kit - Shark Bank

Elodie's Craft Kit - Shark Bank


* All materials included were hand picked by Elodie herself

*100% of the proceeds of this craft kit go to EB research


1. One ceramic shark bank

2. One magical wizard wand


- multi colored paint pots - 2 paint brushes - transportation puff stickers - multi-colored gems - ribbon - pipe cleaners - disposable smock

*Scroll down for more information on Elodie!

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We are proud to support the Plunge for Elodie, which takes place in April. Named after 6-year-old Elodie Kubik, who lives with a severe form of EB, the Plunge began as a local effort in Wellesley, Massachusetts, organized by childhood friends of Elodie’s mom. They wanted to do more for the family than just offer emotional support, and as they learned about EB and the larger rare disease community, it became clear how desperately diseases like EB need funding to find treatments and cures. In short: every dollar truly matters. Thus, the first Plunge for Elodie took place in 2018. Now in its 6th consecutive year, the event has grown into an international movement and has surpassed $1.5 million raised for critical research aimed at curing EB and other rare diseases.